Joseph P. Allen
Allen & Associates
Joseph Allen is one of the architects of the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980, the landmark U.S.A. legislation that marks the official creation of the technology transfer profession.
As a Professional Staffer on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee to former Senator Birch Bayh (D-IN). Allen played a key part in the successful passage of the Act of 1980 and its subsequent amendments. The legislation was hailed by the Economist Technology Quarterly as “Possibly the most inspired piece of legislation to be enacted in America over the past half century… More than anything this single policy measure helped to reverse America’s precipitous slide into industrial irrelevance.”
Joe also helped create and pass the Federal Technology Transfer Act of 1986, which opened the U.S. Federal laboratory system to industry collaboration. He has served as Executive Director of Intellectual Property Owners, Inc. (IPO), a trade association representing major research-intensive companies, worked for the U.S. Department of Commerce, and served on projects and outreach worldwide.
Papers and articles by Joseph Allen can be found here