Marketing & Lead Generation
Marketing is perhaps the most overlooked aspect of transferring innovations, and often the single point of failure in licensing. APIOiX provides marketing and market assessment services to universities and small businesses across the globe.
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Marketing is more than preparing a non-confidential summary and sending it to industry. It is doing the research needed to generate qualified leads. Traditionally, licensing managers identify a list of companies, email the identical non-confidential summary to each company and, functionally, give up on marketing efforts when they don’t receive a response. The innovation then sits on the shelf. Another way to view this is if you are going to spend between $15,000 and $25,000 to prepare and file a patent application, you should allocate some resources to marketing – after all, patents don’t license themselves.
To generate qualified leads you have identify the “three keys:” key market factors and influences, key target companies, and key people in those companies. Finding key people is the most important – and hardest – part. But until you do that your chances of success are a shot in the dark.
From innovation marketing and lead generation to the novel “Four Ps of Technology Transfer Marketing” methodology, APIOiX works with you to design application-specific methodologies that will help you determine licensability and find a licensee.