Technology & Business Valuation
The value of a technology of an early stage company depends on a multitude of factors in the sector(s) in which the technology or company is focused. Simplistically, these include market, supply and demand dynamics, availability of capital, and recent activity in exits, mergers, and acquisitions.
APIOiX focuses on providing our clients with the right type of valuation to suit the need, whether for a particular technology or the overall business. Our valuation services range from low-cost “quick-valuations” that provides bench-marking data and comparable deals to assist with license terms and pricing, to comprehensive, deep-research-driven valuations that can be used provide an estimate of fair market value and liquidation value, as well as for patent litigation.
Our experience and skills allow us to provide our early and later-stage technology clients with applicable results that are used for many activities including licensing support, securing investment, litigation, and sale of technologies and companies. APIOiX leverages multiple valuation methodologies, and/or combinations of methodologies to provide a comprehensive analysis.