SBIR Education

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01 Introduction to SBIR & STTR Grants

An overview of SBIR and STTR grants, what types of companies qualify for these grants, and what they have to do to prepare to respond to funding opportunities and submit proposals.

02 SBIR & STTR Proposal Basics

Where to start when researching topic areas for funding opportunities and the basic elements and structure of proposals.

03 SBIR & STTR Budgeting Basics

The difference between budgeting for SBIR versus STTR proposals, calculation of direct and indirect expenses, calculating the “fee” component, description of the Technical and Business Assistance (TABA) supplement, and elements of the budget narrative.

04 SBIR & STTR Subcontracting

Issues to consider when sub-contracting work under an SBIR or STTR proposal.

05 SBIR & STTR Potential Sources of Encumbrances

Discussion of the sources of potential encumbrances that can arise from intellectual property, software, tangible materials, contracts, collaborations, with special focus on considerations for university faculty entrepreneurs.

06 Writing a Winning Proposal – Life Sciences

07 Writing a Winning Proposal – Physical Sciences

Review and discussion of proposal writing strategies and the specific proposal requirements for specific agencies, including budgeting basics. Life Sciences presentation covers NIH and NSF, Physical Sciences presentation covers DOE, DOD, and NSF.

08 SBIR & STTR – Applying to NSF

Process for applying to the NSF, starting with the Project Pitch and Project Description Components, to drafting and submitting the proposal.

09 SBIR & STTR – Applying to DOE

Process for applying to the DOE, from writing the letter of intent to drafting and submitting the proposal.

10 Prepare to Negotiate IP Terms

Essential issues to consider when preparing to license intellectual property, starting with how to prepare and planning for licensing activities, as well as issues to consider, and tips on how to succeed.                                  

11 Essentials of Customer Discovery & Developing a Value Proposition

Basics of conducting research to ensure that the product you propose to develop has a market and customers willing to purchase that product.